Registered address:
H-1041 Budapest, Dessewffy u. 44.
Postal address: H-1450 Budapest, Pf. 103.

Office: H-1093 Budapest, Lónyay utca 22. I/3.

Authorized representatives:
Zsolt Vasáros DLA executive manager,
lead designer | É1 01-1247
Ákos Vasáros executive manager

Hungarian tax number: 20626510-2-41
EU tax number: HU20626510
Company registry number: 01-06-730728
Statistical code: 20626510-7112-212-01
MKIK registry number: BU20626510
MEK registry number: C-1-2594
Constructor registry number: 11A38889

The writings and photos on this website are protected by copyright. All uses can only be done with the author’s knowledge and permission.

© 2018-2024 Narmer Építészeti Stúdió