„Our Ancestors have left us many and various Arts tending to the Pleasure and Conveniency of Life, acquired with the greatest Industry and Diligence:Which Arts, though they all pretend, with a Kind of Emulation, to have in View the great End of being serviceable to Mankind; yet we know that each of them in particular has something in it that seems to promise a distinct and separate Fruit: Some Arts we follow for Necessity, some we approve for their Usefulness, and some we esteem because they lead us to the Knowledge of Things that are delightful.” // Leon Battista Alberti: The Ten Books of Architecture. Preface (detail), printed by Edward Owen, London 1755
Hungarian National Museum, Budapest
Zsolt Vasáros, Petra Kováts, Zsolt Nagy, Szabolcs Schunk
Judit Gelencsér, Mária Iván
Ákos Vasáros