This story begun in 1967, when a 10-million-year-old skull fragment was found. Within the area of the former mine, we started planning the new exhibition site in 2012. A disability-friendly ramp system connects the visitor centre with the main building, which showcases the already excavated part of the palaeontological site, and protects the rest. A study trail, several lookouts, and resting points were realized, all made of pigmented concrete referring to the colour of iron ore.
1550 m2
Rudabánya City Council
Zsolt Vasáros, Emőke Bandur-Juhász, Ágnes Eiszrich, Anna Kőnig, Zsolt Megyesi, Gábor Nagy, Áron Sasvári, Anikó Somlai, Gabriella Antal, Veronika Borzsák, Piroska Varga, Bence Török
Média Építészeti Díja 2016 - Special Prize, Piranesi Award 2016 - short list, S.ARCH 2017 Hong Kong Architecture Award - Special Prize, Lanxess Award - 3rd Prize